A super-hero team

InFact Global’s “super-hero” team provides services in translation, interpretation and transcreation, customized to suit the needs of each individual client. Our core in-house group works closely with our global network of over 60 translators and interpreters.


All our work is team work. Clients, employees and suppliers belong to our professional family, and we hope we belong to theirs.

Cynthia Vergon

Cynthia Vergon Founder, Translator

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”
- Hugh Downs


Mikhail Translator

My career is a very popular one that brings cultures together. For me, translating is a game: a crossword in several dimensions where I am the expert. I love conveying ideas and concepts between two people that do not speak the same language. And I love seeing the fruit of my work.


Lucie Translator

When I was fifteen, I visited the United Nations in NYC and discovered the wonderful world of translation. These people take on the Tower of Babel every day and enable ideas to flow like rivers through the various countries. What do I love about my job? I love standing from the French reader's standpoint, meeting the challenge of finding the right words to say what the author said, getting that perfect expression that just sounds right.


Tong Translator

I knew I wanted to be a translator from an early age. But why did I choose French? It’s probably 缘分—“the predestined affinity”—as we like to say in Chinese. I love traveling between two cultures that are so different yet complementary, where quality translations play an important role in bringing them together. For me, quality is a commitment: we commit to long-term collaboration.


Daniela Translator

In German, “to translate” is “ubersetzen”, which means “to bring the traveler to the other bank”. This image is present in each and every translation I carry out. I take words and bring them from one bank to the other, from one language to the other—with me, they travel. I am the ferryman, the captain and sitting in front of my computer I not only make words travel—I myself travel through unknown territories every day, navigating the various waters of linguistics. How lucky I am! I have no need to envy world travelers!


Svetlana Translator

French has been a part of my life since my childhood years. I fenced for 11 years, a sport where French is the official language wherever you practice it. I studied French at school and became a French professor at a university and then a translator. Later, I learned English to extend my translation services.


Mary Translator

What I absolutely love about my job is the challenge of translating and transcreating from the French language and culture into the American language and culture. It can seem like working on a mathematical puzzle or brain teaser for a living! In my technical translations, I need to understand and see how something works as if I am actually manipulating it in my hands. In marketing, I need to grasp what sells and be able to entice customers with creative language.

InFact Global collaborates closely with over 60 service providers: translators, proofreaders, copy writers and interpreters.…

Our collaborators are selected via a procedure compliant with the EN15038 standard. They always translate into their mother tongue, and within their own field of expertise.
As part of our team, all collaborators commit to respecting our Quality Charter, and the confidentiality of all information exchanged.

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